
How do I use my own Canadapost account number within Secureship?

If you have your own Canadapost account number, you can enter it into Secureship. Secureship will show you your negotiated rates and generate labels on the account number provided.  This also means that you would get billed directly by the carrier.  If the same service level is cheaper through Secureship, we'll automatically switch the shipment over to Secureship and show you how much we're saving you.

To use your own Canadapost account number within the Secureship system, we will need to:

1. Navigate to the following link:

2. Select Canadapost from the list of carriers

3. Enter your Canadapost credentials.


Note: Shipments that you create but never use, need to be cancelled directly with the carrier. This can be done using the following links:



Canadapost contract number

This number would be provided to you by Canadapost. The majority of customers will not have one. If you think you have one, it's best to contact your Canadapost account rep who will be able to get you this information.


Canadapost Username and Password

The username and password asked here is different than the one you would use to log into the Canadapost website.  To integrate Canadapost within Secureship, we need your API username and password.  You can get this information via the following link:  If this link doesn't work, it is because you need to join the developer program. To do so, click join Developer Program button, review of the terms and conditions and when you've completed these steps, you'll be able to click the above link again.

Note: You will need to enter the production environment values and not the development ones.


Payment Method

The payment method is how you have told Canadapost that you would make payment for the shipments you send through them.  Venture 1 customers are typically set to credit card payment.  If you navigate to your profile page ( and you see a 'Manage my account' under the Payment section, you're most likely set to 'Account' and this is the option you should select under payment method. Otherwise, select 'Credit card'


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