It is rare for a package to be delivered with missing content (although we have seen it happen). This normally happens when a box is damaged in transit (or isn't strong enough to hold the contents) and some of the items have come out.
Items that are found without a box are shipped over to the carrier's overgoods department where a detailed description of the item is then entered into their database along with photos of the item.
So what do you do?
You will need to ask Secureship to start a trace with the carrier. To do so, we need the following three things:
1. Provide the receiver's daytime phone number
This can be their work phone with extension number, cellphone number, or best number for the carrier to contact the recipient of the package. If the carrier is unable to get a hold of the customer, this will stall the investigation.
2. Provide a detailed description of the package and its contents.
We can't stress how crucial this is. A bland description such as "23 Inch Monitor" can come back with 300 returned results and the carrier telling you, we're unable to locate the missing item (because they can't say without a doubt that this is your package).
Look for anything unique that can be used to describe the missing item - a logo, business card, customer invoice, serial number, exact make and model of your item, colors of your items, packaging material, etc. Anything that will help locate your package if you were searching for it in a database of lost items.
3. Provide the value of each missing item.
Please be as accurate as possible on this. The carrier always asks for proof of value.
Secureship will then start a trace with the carrier and keep you posted on the outcome of the investigation.