Our services require you to create the shipment online and print the generated shipping documentation. If you are unable to print the shipping documents, you can also email the documents to a friend or colleague that has a printer.
To email your shipping label:
Go to the Home page
Click Shipment History (or use this link: https://secureship.ca/ship/history?status=all ).
Select the shipment you want to email, click More Options and click Reprint Document(s).
- When the shipment print page shows up, click cancel to the print. Look for the option on the page that says "Email Documents". If you don't see this option on the page, you can also find it if you click on the "More Options" button.
NOTE: You cannot re-use past shipping label. The carriers are very strict on this and can suspend your account. If you need to create a new shipment, click on the Home page and then click Create Shipment.